From the City’s FAQ about the garbage bin plan: The smallest cart (75 litres) will cost less than $209 per year, which is the current cost of providing solid waste management services to the average residential house. All houses in the city will receive a rebate of $209 per year so those opting for thecontinue reading
Current Events Archives
I’m mad as hell…
and I’m not going to take it anymore. An MSNBC anchor refuses to read a Paris Hilton story. As a former producer I have to say this looks like genuine, unscripted frustration to me. Keep watching the clip as Mika Brzezinski (daughter of Zbigniew) presses her point:
This is from the CBC, so it’s probably not made up…
Marauding bear meets its match in woman, 87 Concerned about the safety of herself and her property, she set a bear snare. When she returned last week she found a 200-kilogram black bear waiting for her in the trap. Smith, a longtime hunter of everything from beaver and coyote to moose and caribou, immediately shotcontinue reading
Anglican fudge, so filling and nutritious
Absolutely nobody seems to know what this will mean in practice: Same-sex blessings not in conflict with core doctrine Winnipeg, June 24, 2007 — Members of the Anglican Church of Canada’s General Synod in Winnipeg agreed Sunday that the blessing of same-sex unions is not in conflict with the church’s core doctrine, in the sensecontinue reading
Safety madness, chapter 501
The Toronto Transit Commission has not only removed the “walk left, stand right” signs from its escalators, it’s also suggesting that no one should walk on the escalators at all: “The intent is for the escalator to carry people up the escalator. If they are capable of walking, they should be utilizing the stairs. Now,continue reading
… on the Georgia statutory rape case I blogged about a while ago.
Canada’s never-to-be-majority government
This may end up being premature, but I’ll call it anyway: Harper will never lead a majority Conservative government in Canada. He’s lost all the seats in the Atlantic provinces, most if not all of the 12 Saskatchewan seats, isn’t gaining ground in Ontario, and $700 million can’t buy Quebec, according to today’s Decima poll:continue reading
Leadership matters. Coherence, not so much.
From a Ontario PC Youth Association giveaway at this weekend’s Ontario PC convention: This year provides us with an excellent opportunity, a chance to get rid of a Premier who has become disconnected with the people of Ontario and that with a man of great vision and integrity because we want a better Ontario, andcontinue reading
Driving Home a Point
Saturday’s Post had a somewhat incoherent article with the bombastic headline “Toronto’s War on Cars” over the weekend, featuring a 25-year-old risk management consultant who couldn’t be arsed to walk to the subway stop nearby. But they made up for it today with a great op/ed by News Talk 1010 drive home host John Moore.continue reading
Attachment parenting: stop the madness
You’re literally smothering your children to death: Of 30 infant deaths in 2006 and the first months of 2007, Cairns said that 20 were caused by “co-sleeping” with adults or other unsafe sleeping environments. Just last Friday, a review of 10 autopsy reports from the Hospital for Sick Children showed that eight were the resultcontinue reading