Day 12

It’s June 2nd — not even officially summer — and we’re just 5 days short of reaching the total number of smog advisory days there were in total in 2006. Not that it’s hard to tell the air is filthy these days — the fact that the CN Tower is a vague suggestion from anywherecontinue reading

Zero Yonge Street

I can’t get all that upset about the condos slotted for the Pier 27 site at the foot of Yonge St. (link, link, link), though perhaps that’s a sign that I’ve lowered my expectations to the point where anything in that area other than windswept parking lots, mothballed party boats, random examples of ‘70s Brutalismcontinue reading

Delivery delays

The general idea here seems worth considering, but the hours strike me as very impractical. Fresh food gets delivered in the morning, and is it reasonable or desirable to expect everyone to be there to receive it before 7 am? The idea that 7-8 am is actually rush hour *downtown* also strikes me as hyperbolic.continue reading

Lower Don plan design winner

… announced tonight. Details here. Who knows what it will look like if and when it’s actually built. Lots to discuss. The designer (see p6 of the .pdf) seems to want to run an LRT down Queen’s Quay, then Commissioners, as far as I can tell. There is going to have to be a Queen’scontinue reading

The discussion board’s organizers have abandoned EZBoard, the dreadful system they were using earlier, and have relaunched in a much more user-friendly format while as far as I can tell keeping their archives. This has always been a potentially very useful resource, but hobbled by EZBoard – I’m surprised that as many people putcontinue reading


I’m no fan of the Sun chain and all its works, but I’m sort of fascinated by the Toronto Sun Family blog, which specializes in bring-out-your-dead-style daily casualty lists of editorial employees fired, resigned or laid off that day as the chain collapses. The latest casualty is John Downing, who as an editor closed thecontinue reading


"Mobile calling" ad Originally uploaded by morecoffeeplease. So here’s a picture of a Rogers Video calling ad which is now in the subway. There’s a picture of a smiling girl on the phone, which is being held in a man’s left hand; in the background is a slightly rumpled bed with nighttime lighting. First therecontinue reading

The sushi Nazis are coming!

This is so silly. I am going to go over there and complain about their sad excuse for kimchi! Mr. Hashimoto explains that, in true Japanese cooking, the rice has to come from Japan. “It makes a difference,” he says. “There, people can eat the rice by itself because it’s so much more flavourfulcontinue reading