This is from a Vintages release last fall; there are still a few left at Manulife, Queens Quay, and Atrium. Colognole Chianti Rufina 2003, 13.5%, $16.95: This is the wine that really revealed to us why we could get to like Chianti , and a good bargain to boot. It’s an elegant wine not acontinue reading
Another reason to hate the Beaches
I had reserved judgement on those objectors to the new “Out of the Cold” program in the Beaches until the community meeting had happened. Well, now it has, and I am just amazed by the ignorance and fear of the residents who still object to the very modest 12-person program suggested. (And I’ll stick tocontinue reading
Percy Saltzman web site
I didn’t immediately make the connection, but here is Rob’s step-father’s web site. Rob and Cath are mentioned on the biography page. An interesting life.
News from the Left Coast
Rob’s stepfather Percy died several days ago, age 91. So Rob will be in town Wednesday to Monday, staying with and taking care of his mom at her house and helping clear things up and the like — generally not available for things sociable. The memorial event is on Saturday, I think. Those of youcontinue reading
I added feeds from our other blogs to the sidebar at right, by the easy cheat method of running them through Google Reader first. Neat! It shows the last 10 posts on our other blogs, elsewhere. …Unless your blog doesn’t have a detectable RSS (Techboy, LongerThanTheHighway), in which case please let me know where thecontinue reading
Nail Gaiman interview on Rain Taxi
A couple of fun excerpts from this interview: NG: I’d love to write some porn, but I don’t know if I have the right engines. When I was a young man and I was tempted to write porn, imaginary parents would appear over my shoulder and read what I was writing; just about the pointcontinue reading
Being wine geeks as well as law geeks, we often take notes when we open a bottle of wine. Two good bottles that won’t require that you mortgage the house: Farnese ‘Casale Vecchio’ 2005. DOC Montepulciano D’Abruzzo, 13%, $12.95. A ripe full red that has some of that smoky spicy dark fruit character of a goodcontinue reading
Soon-to-be invisible blogger
Blizzard Entertainment is releasing their first expansion to World of Warcraft, titled The Burning Crusade… well, later tonight. Been nice knowing you!
Sing ho!
For the life of a bear. Here is an entirely random picture of George Clooney.