Marauding bear meets its match in woman, 87
Concerned about the safety of herself and her property, she set a bear snare.
When she returned last week she found a 200-kilogram black bear waiting for her in the trap.
Smith, a longtime hunter of everything from beaver and coyote to moose and caribou, immediately shot the bear.
This bit reminded me rather of GH’s mum:
Catching the bear was the easy part, she said. The real problem was getting the dead bear into the truck with the help of her 81-year-old husband.
“We tied a rope on it, and I couldn’t get it out, so I went up in a tree and I hooked it around some limbs on a big spruce there, and he backed the truck right in under the tree for me, and I lowered it down in the truck,” she explained.
Apparently she doesn’t care for bear meat, so she took it to the dump.