So it seems Pearson airport is firing its nurses — who handle 700+ patients per month, meeting them at or on the plane if necessary — and turning their jobs over to the Peel Fire Department and local ambulances (i.e., if there’s an emergency at the airport they’ll just call 911). But [spokesperson for thecontinue reading
Travel Archives
A bit of infrastructure cleverness
Clever public garbage can with shelf for returnable bottles Originally uploaded by morecoffeeplease. Vancouver’s garbage cans now have a little shelf on the front, in which you can leave return-for-deposit bottles (the vast majority of drink containers in BC are deposit-return). People used to just leave return-for-deposit bottles on the ground next to the garbagecontinue reading
No better time to fly
Air Canada had good news to share and couldn’t think of a better time to share it than 1:40 pm on a Sunday afternoon: Air Canada launches non-stop seasonal service between St. John’s, NL and London, U. K., with daily flights during summer peak travel MONTREAL, April 1 /CNW Telbec/ – The departure today ofcontinue reading
I survived Vegas
Went to Vegas with my family and Randy for my mom’s 60th. They liked Cirque du Soleil and the short flight to the Grand Canyon was actually fun.
The good news: complaints are down!
Customer complaints at Pearson airport go untracked Passengers from across the country with unresolved complaints used to be able to lodge them with the Air Travel Complaints Commissioner, a position created in 2000 to document problems. But that job is sitting vacant. The last complaint report covered incidents in 2004. … To make matters worse,continue reading
Word of the Day – Malaccamax
I recently read an article in the Economist about the pending Panama Canal expansion. Fascinating to those who find such things fascinating — I think the containerization revolution is one of the great mostly-unknown stories of modern time. A few interesting angles I hadn’t been aware of: – Some people suggest that a more efficientcontinue reading
Aboriginal for “bring a warm coat”
Had a great time in Chicago with M. and R. despite the decidedly wintery weather. J. intelligently brought her down-filled coat; I should have done the same. With due respect to Dalton48, 0 degrees with high winds is *not* the same as 0 degrees without. Interestingly, “Chicago” is an aboriginal word meaning something roughly likecontinue reading
Vote for the new 7 Wonders
As reported by the weekend Globe & Mail. The 21 finalists make a fascinating and multicultural list; I wish I knew more about them. Website here. We all have personal favourites that did not make it. For me, it is the Pantheon and Chartres; maybe they are not big enough?
If you have 57 days to spare this summer…
The Orient Express bicycle tour: from Paris to Istanbul None of the pictures seem to feature riders with Trail-a-bikes or baby seats, though. Can’t imagine why.