From a Star story on tonight’s Tamil protest. Emphasis added: Dave Crowell, a Grade 8 teacher with his class on a field trip from Saskatchewan to study citizenship and immigration, explained to his class the right to protest. “At the moment we live in a democracy,” he said he told them. “This is a peacefulcontinue reading
Twitter and the Tamils
As the Tamil blockade of the Gardiner continued on Sunday night, Twitterers reacted to Bill Blair’s warning that the expressway could possibly still be closed the following morning. For a good approximation of the dominant fear-mongering, largely xenophobic tone of messages posted, see Christie Blatchford in today’s Globe. Here’s a lazier example: No kidding. I’mcontinue reading
Prosciutto and Porcini tomato pasta sauce
This is a variation on a basic tomato-based pan sauce. Serves 3-4 over pasta of your choice. Boil approx. 1/2 cup water in kettle and pour into small bowl over one package dried porcini mushrooms until mushrooms are covered — it probably will not take all the water to cover the mushrooms. Chop one medium-sizedcontinue reading
Home from the hill
In case anyone missed it: BruceR is home safe and sound after eight months as an intelligence officer on the staff of an ANA brigade in Kandahar province, and is blogging up a storm.
Aglianico redux redux
The Cappellaccio Aglianico Riserva 2004 I briefly raved about earlier was released at Vintages on May 2, and is still widely available throughout Toronto Central (though not at Manulife, apparently). We uncorked a bottle at dinner last night and — perhaps predictably — we gave it a rave review. It’s a rich dark tannic (andcontinue reading
Get me rewrite!
Did the 80 layoffs at the Globe include all the copy editors? From Joanne Kates’ review of Globe Bistro this morning: Despite evidence to the contrary, some people are afraid of eating pork. Come again?
Boy takes bus, story at 11
Whose nephew is little Gabriel Blake, the four-year-old who is the focus of an inexplicable top-of-page article in the Saturday Globe? There must be some reason so many words are dedicated to the story of a little boy who went missing for a total of — count ’em — two hours. Not to ruin thecontinue reading
I love Toronto, pt. 4835
I love this. After 48 hours of constant Tamil protests, in this TPS release we still have carefully neutral language, gentle concern for safety, “the co-operation of most of the protestors”, and a metaphorical shrugging of shoulders about the inevitable traffic tie-ups. I didn’t check this morning to see if anyone was petting the horses,continue reading
Locking them up, throwing away the key, and hoping no one notices
I have to admit that I have not followed the coverage of the trial of the Jane Creba killers all that closely, so it came as a surprise to me to hear that JSR, the first person to be sentenced in connection with her death, was convicted of second-degree murder although all are agreed hecontinue reading
Hell, meet handbasket
While the recession has hit home for me of late, it’s still hard to tell how bad things are out there. It’s especially hard to read if, like many others, you are avoiding shopping quite as much as you usually do: this means you miss the note of desperation in the continued discounting, the salescontinue reading